
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Kettlebell Master Coach Matt Shore Breaks Down How To Build A Strong Body and Mind
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Facing challenges and failures, why new is not best and the benefits of a solid strength strategy
Welcome, a friend and mentor Matt Shore to the Elemental Health Podcast!
Matt Shore is a no-nonsense hard charger. A man of action, not words, however, I do my best to get him to unpack his strategies and mindset on this episode.
I consider Matt a mentor in the strength space and someone with an incredible level of experience and expertise. The sheer breadth of his knowledge from endurance to pure strength is staggering.
My Favourite bits:
What works to build true strength
Facing failure at 6,900 meters and how to come back stronger
The right mindset to come to terms with hard work and serious training
Tools for a stronger mind (and body).

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
One step beyond -100 Miles - ZERO food with Mike McKnight
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
I was referred to Mike by an old army mate who is by far the guy that has run further than anyone I know and told this is who you need to speak to....He was not wrong, Mike is the real ultra deal.
In 2020 he ran over 4000 miles.
100 Miles with zero calories...
...need I say more - its an epic start to 2021 for the Elemental Health Podcast
Join the conversation today and find out the what, when and hows of Mike's drivers and methods.
Favourite bits:
Mike's journey from broken back to running again and surpassing all his old targets.
Finding a new way to explore and compete in 2020.
Breaking down how to bit off such massive goals.
The upcoming docu-film about Mike's transformation and the epic scenery it will include.
As always, like, subscribe but most of all share with your friends (a review on your favourite app would be great as well!).
Find Mike and his athletic coaching here:
Find Nick here:

Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Resilience, Strength and finding a path of meaning with Chris Pinner from Innerfit
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
THIS is something different - Chris Pinner (of Innerfit) and I have a fireside chat conversation where the tables are turned and I become the hunted. Lots of amazing back and forth and finding this elusive strength and resilience in life and work.
Favourite bits:
- How to Carve out time for what is important
- Why I (Nick) am not a wise man!
- Resilience - What, when and how to create it
- What a meaningful wellbeing company looks like
- How some employee centred companies are implementing real wellbeing strategies - with Chris' help.
- Life and laughter with my good friend Chris.

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Solo-cast with Nick (18 mins long)
Finding meaning in the madness and reflections from a crazy year of frontline clinical practice and finding a resilient mindset for 2021.
Thank you for all your support as we have grown our audience to over 4000 now and have come of age (1 year old!). This passion project has been amazing and fun for me and I will keep it going - but, it could not be possible without your support.
Listen, share, and review - let's hit 10,000 downloads in 2021 - easy!!!
For more information on coaching and Elemental Health drop Nick an email nick@elementalhealth.co

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Join Nick this episode with he amazing Edward Troise.
A guy that has bounced back from serious injury which set him on a journey of discovery to find a truly unique approach to health and fitness.
From gym rat to holistic health coach and bringing impact to the world!
Favourite bits:
Edward's Journey from a very broken, conventional, approach to fitness and a focus on body building to holistic health.
- The four pillars of health
- What health means to Edward - this answer blew me away!
- Why starting to build holistic health from a foundation of movement makes perfect sense.
- Why anger features so prominently in men's lives (Ouch - this one struck home!).
- What's next for Edward and the impact he want to have on the world.
Subscribe and review the podcast on your app - it is a simple quick way to support the work I am putting in. Thank you.
Get coached by Nick http://www.elementalhealth.co/coaching
Find Nick on Instagram, facebook and youtube

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Building Healthy Humans from the Feet Up - Nick St Louis and The Foot Collective
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
- What you can do to build a strong healthy foundation
- Why foot strength and health matters
- How overlooking the fundamentals and foundations of healthy feet is condemning us to a painful life
- Why so many people are stuck in a loop that does not bring long term health and meaning to life
- Nick's definition of what it is to be healthy and how you can shift your thinking on what it means to you to be healthy
- The Foot Collective and what a global community can achieve
- Defining your own goals and results to actually achieve a meaningful outcome

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
How to reverse the ageing process - what you need to know - Dr Nichola Conlon
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Dr Nichola Conlon – How to reverse the ageing process -what you need to know.
Join Nick this week for the latest episode. We discuss Human Longevity with Dr Nichola Conlon a true scientific pioneer and expert in the ageing process.
There aren’t many certainties in life but, one certainty is, that we will get old. “How” we get old is not fixed and can be influenced. Getting old and ageing can be two different things dependant on some serious factors that anyone with an interest in living a long healthy life should be very interested in….Sound like you?
Well, in my mind it is pretty much everyone.
One of my frustration in sharing my message about health and fitness is the assumption that we hit a certain age whether it’s 40,50, 60 or 70 and its all downhill. It is not, a given fact, that fitness and health decline and my guest today is an expert in human longevity and the factors that affect the ageing process in the human body. Want to understand how to influence your “health-span” and live a longer, healthier life? Listen in to this episode with Dr Nichola Conlon on Longevity and ageing.
My favourites nuggets:
How the body ages, until recently a very poorly understood phenomenon.
Factors that affect our ageing bodies
The key ingredient to reversing your cellular age
Senescence – What is it and why you should care
Supplementing NAD to boost cell regeneration
How the best medicine backed by research doesn’t make it to market
Don’t think that you are on a down hill path to ill health, no matter what your age – appropriate knowledge, wisdom and action can reverse your health – Shift your paradigm and change your narrative.
Follow Nichola https://www.instagram/drnicholaconlon for all her longevity updates
Find out and purchase NAD+ ay https://www.nuchido.com and use code “ELEMENTAL” (all caps) to get a massive 20% discount.
Leave us a review and subscribe.
Get in touch with Nick your host https://www.instagram.com/thenoq
Get coached by Nick

Friday Apr 10, 2020
The Fitness Industry is Broken - Is this our chance to do it right?
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Massive disruption can be viewed as good or bad depending on your personal view point. Could this corona crisis be the chance to disrupt and change the industry for the better?
The break form gym's and all the "HIIT" classes you can shake a sweaty lycra vest is surely a good thing...
The industry was broken and needed a change, could this be it...
Jump in to the Nick's solo-cast on the massive disruption happening to the fitness industry at the moment.
The full article by Jon Goodman
Connect and feedback to Nick
Find out more about Nick's Unique Health Blueprint
'till Next Time.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Round 2 with my man Jeff "the urban barefoot" Shub.
Jeff's unique view of the world gives an unbelievable insight into the current crisis and we go deep into methods for dealing with challenges that life and a crisis throw up.
Life can get pretty complicated in times of global crisis and widespread fear. Jeff has a view that brings a great calm to me when I speak to him and why he is the first guest to be on for round 2!
- Learn to re-frame and self-coach and you will grow from challenges
- What should be the focus of strange times
- Life lessons and wisdom of the ages
Enjoy and connect with us AND LEAVE A REVIEW on your app.
Connect with Jeff:
Connect with Nick:

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
COVID19 UPDATE - What does it mean for you and what are you focusing on?
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Took me a long time to understand my feelings on the current crisis that we face. Honestly, I am still uncertain about what is happening - I am sure I am not alone in this.
All this uncertainty IS unsettling for us as humans, we have primary need to feel safe and secure.
Some difficult time and deep questions are being pondered by lots of us - this is my attempt to bring some clarity from my unique perspective.
This episode is a solo-cast about my journey form Mountain top to back home and the new normal of lock-down.
Subscribe and find to more about my coaching at: